
Education and Career

Registration DZL Academy

We invite all students, doctoral candidates and early postdocs (up to 8 years post-PhD or MD) of the various DZL principal investigator laboratory groups to become a Fellow of the DZL Academy.

The 8 year postdoc cut-off for membership in the DZL Academy will be extended for time taken as parental leave or time taken off work to care for family members.

Admission to DZL Academy will be renewed on a two-yearly basis. No automated confirmation email will be sent. The registration will be confirmed within one week after verification.

Only DZL Academy Fellows have access to the training and career support provided by the DZL Academy. Also, all DZL Academy Fellows are welcome to provide input into the development of our various programs. The DZL Academy Board includes five DZL Academy Fellow Representatives elected by the Fellow community. DZL Academy Fellow Representatives are elected to the board for the duration of two years.

Fellows that leave the DZL will be given the opportunity to keep in touch with the DZL by joining the DZL Academy Alumni Program.

DZL Academy Registration EN


Official Work Address:

Contact Details:

We prefer using your work e-mail address to your private e-mail address; please enter your private e-mail address if you have not been assigned a work e-mail address.


I herewith register with the DZL Academy. I agree to the processing and storage of my personal data for the purpose of sending me information about events and activities of the DZL, the DZL Academy and the DZL Academy Alumni as well as for statistical uses. I am aware that I can withdraw my consent to the storage and usage of my data at any time by sending an e-mail to the DZL Head Office (

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