
Further Information

Sample and Data Processing

Scientific Projects within the Framework of the DZL Broad Informed Consent

At the DZL, biosamples and data or image data are collected from patients and healthy subjects for scientific purposes. The collection is based on informed consent forms (Broad Informed Consent) signed by the patients and subjects. To provide this group of people with information, this page includes an overview of the research projects in which the samples and data are used as well as of the research questions addressed in these projects.

If you have any questions related to sample and data processing at the DZL, please contact the DZL Biobank Manager, Dr. Clemens Ruppert (, or the DZL Central Office (

Notes on using the database

The search above the table searches the entire content, while the search and filter fields within the table apply only to the respective column. All filter and search options can be combined for very precise results. Clicking "Clear filter" resets the table to its original state (note: sometimes selection filters may not reset completely, and in such cases, they must be manually reset or, most easily, the page should be reloaded).

View list of abbreviations

DZL Engagements
