
Science and Research

Working Groups

Working Groups in Disease-spanning Research Fields

In 2021, specific Working Groups in Disease-Spanning Research Fields (Disease-Spanning Working Groups, DSWG) were installed as a new overarching instrument to strengthen the coherence of the DZL research portfolio. Like with the Platforms, scientists/physicians from all Disease Areas cooperate under the umbrella of this instrument. In contrast to the Platforms, the DSWG do not focus on methodological/technical aspects but address cutting-edge research topics relevant for most if not all Disease Areas. From 2024 on, funding for research activities pursued by the four DZL DSWG will be awarded competitively, favoring projects that span multiple Disease Areas and multiple DZL sites. The five locations will have assigned a total of 1,5 million euros per year.

There are working groups on the following four topics:



DZL Engagements
