Science and Research

[Prevention of progression of allergic bronchial asthma as an occupational disease]

Since January 1st, 2021, termination of a harmful activity as a requirement for its recognition as an occupational disease (OD) has been abolished in Germany. This also includes the OD No. 4301 in accordance with Appendix 1 of the Occupational Diseases Ordinance (ODO) (obstructive respiratory diseases caused by allergenic substances). There has already been a significant increase in the number of diseases recognized under this OD. In this article, we present two patients with allergic (in the second case report mixed-form) bronchial asthma, in whom a medically easily preventable disease progression occurred as a result of continued occupational exposure to allergens as a farmer. According to section sign 3 (1) ODO, if there is a "risk that an occupational disease will develop, recur or worsen", the statutory accident insurance institutions are obliged to "counteract this danger with all suitable means". These individual preventive measures are compulsory by law and medically sensible, even under circumstances where only the risk of the genesis of an OD is given. Nonetheless, they are likely to be indicated and offered more frequently in the future due to an increased recognition of ODs. Unfavorable clinical courses such as those described in the two case reports presented here should therefore occur less frequently in the future.

  • Frei-Stuber, L.
  • Wachter, A.
  • Benthaus, T.
  • Ochmann, U.
  • Nowak, D.
Publication details
DOI: 10.1055/a-2185-0896
Journal: Pneumologie
Work Type: Original
Location: CPC-M
Disease Area: AA
Partner / Member: KUM
Access-Number: 37857319
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