Pulmonary research is evolving. With the continuous growth of high-throughput imaging and genomics technologies, and the organization of patients into large cohorts, massive amounts of data are being generated to address critical questions in pulmonary health today. Uncovering disease mechanisms, identifying early prognostic signals, or evaluating the effects of novel drug compounds all require finding robust, generalizable patterns from large datasets. In this era of big data, mathematical and statistical literacy, as well as computational skills are becoming indispensable for advancing pulmonary science. DataLung aims to promote these skills among lung scientists by providing PhD candidates, postdocs, and clinician scientists with the necessary training to excel in the era of big data.
DataLung is a joint venture between the DZL Academy and the Artificial Intelligence and Digital Tools disease-spanning working group. It is set up as an umbrella organization around existing PhD schools across the DZL sites. DZL members can apply to join DataLung to work towards completing a certificate in data science for pulmonary research.
For more details, please visit the following section: https://dzl.de/organisation/dzl-datalung-school/