Science and Research

Depiction of mosaic perfusion in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) on C-arm computed tomography compared to computed tomography pulmonary angiogram (CTPA)

To evaluate mosaic perfusion patterns and vascular lesions in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) using C-Arm computed tomography (CACT) compared to computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA). We included 41 patients (18 female; mean age 59.9 ± 18.3 years) with confirmed CTEPH who underwent CACT and CTPA within 21 days (average 5.3 ± 5.2). Two readers (R1; R2) independently evaluated datasets from both imaging techniques for mosaic perfusion patterns and presence of CTEPH-typical vascular lesions. The number of pulmonary arterial segments with typical findings was evaluated and the percentage of affected segments was calculated and categorized: < 25%; 25-49%; 50-75%; < 75% of all pulmonary arterial segments affected by thromboembolic vascular lesions. Inter-observer agreement was calculated for both modalities using the intraclass-correlation-coefficient (ICC). Based on consensus reading the inter-modality agreement (CACT(cons) vs. CTPA(cons)) was calculated using the ICC. Inter-observer agreement was excellent for central vascular lesions (ICC > 0.87) and the percentage of affected segments (ICC > 0.76) and good for the perceptibility of mosaic perfusion (ICC > 0.6) and attribution of the pattern of mosaic perfusion (ICC > 0.6) for both readers on CACT and CTPA. Inter-modality agreement was excellent for the perceptibility of mosaic perfusion (ICC = 1), the present perfusion pattern (ICC = 1) and central vascular lesions (ICC = 1). However, inter-modality agreement for the percentage of affected segments was fair (ICC = 0.50), with a greater proportion of identified affected segments on CACT(cons). CACT demonstrates a high agreement with CTPA regarding the detection of mosaic perfusion. CACT detects a higher number of peripheral vascular lesions compared to CTPA.

  • Maschke, S. K.
  • Werncke, T.
  • Dewald, C. L. A.
  • Becker, L. S.
  • Meine, T. C.
  • Olsson, K. M.
  • Hoeper, M. M.
  • Wacker, F. K.
  • Meyer, B. C.
  • Hinrichs, J. B.
Publication details
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-99658-2
Journal: Sci Rep
Pages: 20042 
Number: 1
Work Type: Original
Location: BREATH
Disease Area: PH, PLI
Partner / Member: MHH
Access-Number: 34625646

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