Occupational exposure to veterinary antibiotics in hen houses at poultry feeding farms was demonstrated by biomonitoring campaigns in the past. The objective of this study was to investigate pharmacokinetics of three uptake routes: dermal, oral and inhaled. In an open-label cross-over study, six healthy volunteers were exposed to single occupational relevant doses of enrofloxacin. Plasma and urine samples were analysed for enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling based on bioanalysis data showed underestimation for the elimination rate in comparison to experimental data pointing towards a lack of sufficient ADME information and limitations of available physico-chemical properties of the parent drug. The data obtained in this study indicate that oral uptake with its various sources, e.g. airborne enrofloxacin, direct hand-mouth contact, is the major source for occupational exposure to enrofloxacin in hen houses. Dermal exposure was considered negligible.