Science and Research

Absolute thermometry using hyperpolarized (129) Xe free-induction decay and spin-echo chemical-shift imaging in rats

PURPOSE: To implement and test variants of chemical shift imaging (CSI) acquiring both free induction decays (FIDs) showing all dissolved-phase compartments and spin echoes for specifically assessing 129 Xe in lipids in order to perform precise lipid-dissolved 129 Xe MR thermometry in a rat model of general hypothermia. METHODS: Imaging was performed at 2.89 T. T2 of 129 Xe in lipids was determined in one rat by fitting exponentials to decaying signals of global spin-echo spectra. Four rats (conventional CSI) and six rats (turbo spectroscopic imaging) were scanned at three time points with core body temperature 37/34/37

  • Kern, A. L.
  • Gutberlet, M.
  • Rumpel, R.
  • Bruesch, I.
  • Hohlfeld, J. M.
  • Wacker, F.
  • Hensen, B.


  • 129 $$ {}^{129} $$ Xe
  • MRI thermometry
  • chemical-shift imaging
  • lipid
  • rat
  • spin echo
Publication details
DOI: 10.1002/mrm.29455
Journal: Magn Reson Med
Work Type: Original
Location: BREATH
Disease Area: PLI
Partner / Member: ITEM
Access-Number: 36121206

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