The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) core dataset represents the most important lung research parameters for the disease area.
Kategorie | Parameter | Value Set | Description |
Biometric Data | Gender | ||
Biometric Data | Age at visit | ||
Biometric Data | Weight | ||
Biometric Data | Height | ||
Follow-UP | Wie oft haben Sie in den letzten 12 * Monaten eine akute Verschlechterung Ihrer Lungenerkrankung erfahren (stärkere Atemnot, vermehrter oder eitriger Auswurf), d.h. wie oft ging es Ihnen über mehrere Tage deutlich schlechter als sonst, so dass Sie besondere Maßnahmen ergreifen mussten? | ||
Follow-UP | Wie oft mussten Sie deswegen die Notaufnahme aufsuchen oder Ihren Arzt um einen Hausbesuch bitten? | ||
Follow-UP | Wie oft wurden Sie deswegen ins Krankenhaus aufgenommen? | ||
Follow-UP | Wie oft wurden Sie deswegen mit Antibiotika behandelt? | ||
Follow-UP | Wie oft wurden Sie deswegen mit Kortison-Tabletten oder Kortison-Spritzen* behandelt? | ||
Follow-UP | Wie oft ging die Verschlechterung Ihrer Lungenkrankheit nicht so weit, dass eine der vorherig genannten Maßnahmen notwendig wurden, Sie aber die Dosis Ihrer Medikamente erhöht haben? | ||
Follow-UP | Exazerbationen | ||
Diagnosis | Asthma bronchiale (Bronchialasthma, Lungenasthma, allergisches Asthma) | ||
Diagnosis | Chronische Bronchitis (d.h. Husten nachts ohne Erkältung und mit morgendlichem Auswurf an den meisten Tagen, mindestens 3 Monate im Jahr) | ||
Diagnosis | GOLD Klassifikation | 1-4,I-IV,A-D | |
Smoking History | Smoking Status | ||
Smoking History | Amount | ||
Lung Function | Bronchial dilatation performed? | Bronchodilation refers to the effect of lung inflation after the induction of airway smooth muscle tone. | |
Lung Function | sRaw effective | Specific Airway Resistance | |
Lung Function | ITGV | Thoracic gas volume; absolute thorakal vol. of gas at any point in time and any level of alveolar pres. | |
Lung Function | ERV | Expiratory reserve volume; amount of air that can be breathed out after a normal exhalation. | |
Lung Function | IVC | Maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs after a maximum inhalation. | |
Lung Function | IVC - pre bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | IVC - post bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | TLC | TLC is the volume of air at maximum inflation. | |
Lung Function | TLC - pre bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | TLC - post bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | RV | RV is the amount of air remaining in the lungs after maximum exhalation. | |
Lung Function | RV - pre bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | RV - post bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | IC | IC is the volume of air that can be inspired after normal expiration. | |
Lung Function | DLCO | DLCO is the CO uptake from a single inspiration in a standard time. | |
Lung Function | DLCO/VA | Krogh factor (KCO) represents the diffusing capacity in the available alveolar spaces. | |
Lung Function | DLCO/VA - pre bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | DLCO/VA - post bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | DLCO Hb adj | ATS recommends for the adjustment of DLCO for Hb the equations from Cotes et al. | |
Lung Function | FEV1 | FEV1 is the volume of air exhaled at the end of the first second of forced expiration. | |
Lung Function | FEV1 - pre bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | FEV1 - post bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | FVC | FVC is the volume of air that can forcibly be blown out after a full inspiration. | |
Lung Function | FVC - pre bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | FVC - post bronchodilatation | ||
Lung Function | Tiffeneau | A calculated ratio used in the diagnosis of obstructive and restrictive lung disease. | |
Lung Function | Tiffeneau - post bronchodilatation | ||
Blood Gas Analysis | PaO2 | Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial; the amount of dissolved oxygen in the arterial blood | |
Blood Gas Analysis | PaCO2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood; the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide gas in arterial blood | |
Blood Gas Analysis | pH | pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of blood | |
Blood Gas Analysis | BE | Base Excess; the difference between the observed and the normal buffer base concentration | |
Laboratory Values | Leukozyten | White blood cells; part of the immune system participating in both the innate and humoral immune responses | |
Laboratory Values | Hämoglobin | Hb; the oxygen-carrying pigment and predominant protein in the red blood cells | |
Laboratory Values | Hämatokrit | Hct; measures the volume of red blood cells compared to the total blood volume | |
Laboratory Values | Neutrophile | Neutrophils are the cells that respond first to any type of infection or wound | |
Laboratory Values | Neutrophile in Prozent | ||
Laboratory Values | Eosinophile | ||
Laboratory Values | Eosinophile in Prozent | ||
Laboratory Values | Kreatinin in Blut | Creatinine is a waste product generated from the normal wear and tear of muscles of the human body. | |
Laboratory Values | CRP | C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is produced by the liver, whose level rises in response to inflammation | |
Laboratory Values | Alpha-1-Antitrypsin | Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) is both an endogenous protease inhibitor and an exogenous one used as medication | |
Laboratory Values | Triglyceride | A neutral fat that is the usual storage form of lipids in animals | |
Laboratory Values | Gesamt-Cholesterin | ||
Laboratory Values | LDL-Cholesterin | Low-Density-Lipoprotein | |
Laboratory Values | HDL-Cholesterin | High-Density-Lipoprotein | |
Laboratory Values | Glukose | Blood glucose level is the amount of glucose present in the blood of a human | |
Laboratory Values | HBA1c | HbA1c test is used to measure the amount of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood | |
Exercise Testing | 6MWT distance | ||
Therapy | Medication | ||
Therapy | Sauerstoffgabe | ||
Biobank Samples | Bioproben verfügbar? | ||
Health Questionnaires | SGRQ | Number from 0 to 100 | St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire |
Health Questionnaires | MRC | ||
Health Questionnaires | CAT | Number from 0 to 40 | COPD Assessment Test |
Dr. Sandra Söhler, UGMLC
Dr. Heidrun Lingner, BREATH
Prof. Dr. med. Frederik Trinkmann, TLRC
Dr. med. Benjamin Waschki, ARCN
Central Data Management
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