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Vascular Lung Diseases in Focus at International Meeting in Bad Nauheim

News 4-2014 EN

More than 450 scientists gathered at the Hotel Dolce in Bad Nauheim for exchange on their findings and discussion of future strategies to combat vascular and in particular lung vascular disease.

The meeting was organized by the Excellence Cluster Cardio-Pulmonary System (ECCPS) and Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute (PVRI). ECCPS is a research network of the universities of Giessen and Frankfurt and the Max-Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research Bad Nauheim, funded by the German Research Foundation. A significant portion of the ECCPS Faculty from Bad Nauheim and Giessen is also involved in the DZL. Both speakers of the ECCPS are delighted about this excellent opportunity to welcome colleagues from all over the world: “We regard this meeting primarily as a vibrant exchange of ideas lacking which modern science would not be able to exist. Moreover we offer junior scientists the opportunity to present their results to renowned members of their scientific community.”

PVRI is an international network of scientists and physicians who joined forces to spread research results in pulmonary vascular disease as well as new therapies, especially in developing countries. Both networks, ECCPS and PVRI, are united by their shared focus on vascular disease.
The meeting in Bad Nauheim offered two parallel sessions with oral presentations and two poster exhibitions with a total of 160 posters in addition to lively discussions and ample opportunities for further networking. Poster prizes were given to young scientist for the best posters.

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