Science and Research

Developing an Awareness Campaign to Reduce Second Hand Smoke Among Disadvantaged Families-A Participatory M-Health Approach

Children from disadvantaged families are particularly exposed to second hand smoke in their home environment. Using a mixed methods participatory approach, we aimed at identifying suitable media channels and appropriate content for a campaign increasing caregivers' knowledge about the risks of second hand smoke (SHS) exposure for their children and appropriate measures for exposure reduction. In the first phase of the mixed method design, we evaluated knowledge and norms about children's SHS and perceived barriers for avoiding it. To this end, we conducted 26 one-to-one interviews with smoking caregivers of children below the age of six years. Subsequently, we developed and illustrated core messages and identified appropriate communication channels. These were evaluated in focus group discussions by 20 of the 26 interview participants. After a final revision, 121 caregivers evaluated the campaign via an online questionnaire. Online social networks were identified as the most suitable media channel. For these, we developed animated photos with voiceovers addressing the potential consequences of SHS for children. The overall rating of the campaign messages was promising. Participants confirmed that it was important to address the issue in social media. However, sharing the pictures was considered unlikely due to the sensitive topic of the campaign, while the importance of doctors or scientists being recognizable as a source was highlighted. Employing a participatory approach, we developed an m-health campaign, which can now be disseminated in social networks to reach the target population. The effectiveness of the campaign should be evaluated.

  • Weinmann, T.
  • Radon, K.
  • Sukalla, F.
  • Gerlich, J.
  • Barth, S.
  • Nowak, D.
  • Karnowski, V.


  • communication media
  • migrants
  • participatory research
  • second hand smoking
  • vulnerable populations
Publication details
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15091945
Journal: International journal of environmental research and public health
Number: 9
Work Type: Original
Location: CPC-M
Disease Area: General Lung and Other
Partner / Member: LMU
Access-Number: 30200621
See publication on PubMed

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