Science and Research

Unraveling the functional signals of rods and cones in the human retina: separation and analysis

In recent years, optoretinography has become an important functional imaging method for the retina, as light-evoked changes in the photoreceptors have been demonstrated for a large number of different OCT systems. Full-field swept-source optical coherence tomography (FF-SS-OCT) is particularly phase-stable, and it is currently the only technique sensitive enough to detect the smaller functional changes in the inner plexiform layer (IPL). However, the resolution of state-of-the art FF-SS-OCT systems is not high enough to distinguish individual photoreceptors. This makes it difficult to separate rods from cones. In this work, we circumvent this problem by separating the functional changes in rods and cones by their different temporal dynamics to the same light stimulus. For this purpose, a mathematical model was developed that represents the measured signals as a superposition of two impulse responses. The developed model describes the measured data under different imaging conditions very well and is able to analyze the sensitivity and temporal dynamics of the two photoreceptor types separately.

  • Pfäffle, C.
  • Puyo, L.
  • Spahr, H.
  • Hillmann, D.
  • Miura, Y.
  • Hüttmann, G.


  • cones
  • functional imaging
  • optical cohererence tomography (OCT)
  • optoretinography (ORG)
  • phase-sensitive OCT
  • retinal imaging
  • rods
Publication details
DOI: 10.3389/fopht.2024.1340692
Journal: Front Ophthalmol (Lausanne)
Pages: 1340692 
Work Type: Original
Location: ARCN
Disease Area: PLI
Partner / Member: UzL
Access-Number: 38984116

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