Melen, E.
Barouki, R.
Barry, M.
Boezen, H. M.
Hoffmann, B.
Krauss-Etschmann, S.
Koppelman, G. H.
Forsberg, B.
Environmental Exposure
Health Promotion/methods
Lung Diseases/*genetics
*Public Health
Societies, Medical
Society. G.H. Koppelman has received grants from the Lung Foundation of the
Netherlands, TEVA Netherlands, the UBBO EMMIUS Foundation and the TETRI
Foundation, outside the submitted work.
Publication details DOI: 10.1183/13993003.02410-2017
Journal: The European respiratory journal
Number: 4
Work Type: Other
Location: ARCN
Disease Area: General Lung and Other
Partner / Member: Cau, FZB
Access-Number: 29618601
See publication on PubMed
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