Science and Research

Generation of Human Lung Organoid Cultures from Healthy and Tumor Tissue to Study Infectious Diseases

Respiratory viruses cause mild to severe diseases in humans every year, constituting a major public health problem. Characterizing the pathogenesis in physiologically relevant models is crucial for developing efficient vaccines and therapeutics. Here, we show that lung organoids derived from human primary or lung tumor tissue maintain the cellular composition and characteristics of the original tissue. Moreover, we show that these organoids sustain viral replication with particular infection foci formation, and they activate the expression of interferon-associated and proinflammatory genes responsible for mediating a robust innate immune response. All together, we show that three-dimensional (3D) lung organoids constitute a relevant platform to model diseases and enable the development of drug screenings. IMPORTANCE Three-dimensional (3D) human lung organoids reflect the native cell composition of the lung as well as its physiological properties. Human 3D lung organoids offer ideal conditions, such as timely availability in large quantities and high physiological relevance for reassessment and prediction of disease outbreaks of respiratory pathogens and pathogens that use the lung as a primary entry portal. Human lung organoids can be used in basic research and diagnostic settings as early warning cell culture systems and also serve as a relevant platform for modeling infectious diseases and drug development. They can be used to characterize pathogens and analyze the influence of infection on, for example, immunological parameters, such as the expression of interferon-associated and proinflammatory genes in the context of cancer. In our study, we found that cancer-derived lung organoids were more sensitive to influenza A virus infection than those derived from healthy tissue and demonstrated a decreased innate immune response.

  • Salgueiro, L.
  • Kummer, S.
  • Sonntag-Buck, V.
  • Weiß, A.
  • Schneider, M. A.
  • Kräusslich, H. G.
  • Sotillo, R.


  • influenza virus
  • innate immune response
  • organoids
  • viral replication
Publication details
DOI: 10.1128/jvi.00098-22
Journal: J Virol
Pages: e0009822 
Work Type: Original
Location: TLRC
Disease Area: LC
Partner / Member: DKFZ, Thorax, UHK
Access-Number: 35285684

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