Science and Research

Intubation-free in vivo imaging of the tracheal mucosa using two-photon microscopy

The mucosal layer of conducting airways is the primary tissue exposed to inhaled microorganisms, allergens and pollutants. We developed an in vivo two-photon microscopic approach that allows performing dynamic imaging studies in the mouse trachea, which is a commonly used in vivo model of human small-diameter bronchi. By providing stabilized access to the tracheal mucosa without intubation, our setup uniquely allows dynamic in vivo imaging of mucociliary clearance and steady-state immune cell behavior within the complex airway mucosal tissue.

  • Veres, T. Z.; Kopcsanyi, T.; Tirri, M.; Braun, A.; Miyasaka, M.; Germain, R. N.; Jalkanen, S.; Salmi, M.
Publication details
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00769-6
Journal: Scientific reports
Pages: 694 
Number: 1
Work Type: Original
Location: BREATH
Disease Area: AA
Partner / Member: ITEM
Access-Number: 28386104

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