Science and Research

Sweat chloride reflects CFTR function and correlates with clinical outcomes following CFTR modulator treatment

BACKGROUND: Highly effective CFTR modulators improve CFTR function and lead to dramatic improvements in health outcomes in many people with cystic fibrosis (pwCF). The relationship between measures of CFTR function, such as sweat chloride concentration, and clinical outcomes in pwCF treated with CFTR modulators is poorly defined. We conducted analyses to better understand the relationships between sweat chloride and CFTR function in vitro, and between sweat chloride and clinical outcomes following CFTR modulator treatment. METHODS: Mean sweat chloride values in healthy people, CF carriers, and pwCF treated with CFTR modulators at different doses were compared to chloride transport in corresponding human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells. A pooled analysis of phase 3 CFTR modulator studies was performed to evaluate the relationship between attained values of sweat chloride and improvements in lung function, body mass index (BMI), patient reported outcomes, pulmonary exacerbations, and lung function change over time. RESULTS: Sweat chloride concentrations in vivo correlated strongly with CFTR-dependent chloride current in HBE cells in vitro. Sweat chloride values of <30 mmol/L and

  • Zemanick, E. T.
  • Ramsey, B.
  • Sands, D.
  • McKone, E. F.
  • Fajac, I.
  • Taylor-Cousar, J. L.
  • Mall, M. A.
  • Konstan, M. W.
  • Nair, N.
  • Zhu, J.
  • Arteaga-Solis, E.
  • Van Goor, F.
  • McGarry, L.
  • Prieto-Centurion, V.
  • Sosnay, P. R.
  • Bozic, C.
  • Waltz, D.
  • Mayer-Hamblett, N.


  • CFTR function
  • CFTR modulators
  • Clinical outcomes
  • Sweat chloride
Publication details
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcf.2024.12.006
Journal: J Cyst Fibros
Work Type: Original
Location: Assoziierter Partner
Disease Area: CFBE
Partner / Member: BIH
Access-Number: 39755444

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