Science and Research

Intense Innate Immune Responses and Severe Metabolic Disorders in Chicken Embryonic Visceral Tissues Caused by Infection with Highly Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus Compared to the Avirulent Virus: A Bioinformatics Analysis

The highly virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolates typically result in severe systemic pathological changes and high mortality in Newcastle disease (ND) illness, whereas avirulent or low-virulence NDV strains can cause subclinical disease with no morbidity and even asymptomatic infections in birds. However, understanding the host's innate immune responses to infection with either a highly virulent strain or an avirulent strain, and how this response may contribute to severe pathological damages and even mortality upon infection with the highly virulent strain, remain limited. Therefore, the differences in epigenetic and pathogenesis mechanisms between the highly virulent and avirulent strains were explored, by transcriptional profiling of chicken embryonic visceral tissues (CEVT), infected with either the highly virulent NA-1 strain or the avirulent vaccine LaSota strain using RNA-seq. In our current paper, severe systemic pathological changes and high mortality were only observed in chicken embryos infected with the highly virulent NA-1 strains, although the propagation of viruses exhibited no differences between NA-1 and LaSota. Furthermore, virulent NA-1 infection caused intense innate immune responses and severe metabolic disorders in chicken EVT at 36 h post-infection (hpi), instead of 24 hpi, based on the bioinformatics analysis results for the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between NA-1 and LaSota groups. Notably, an acute hyperinflammatory response, characterized by upregulated inflammatory cytokines, an uncontrolled host immune defense with dysregulated innate immune response-related signaling pathways, as well as severe metabolic disorders with the reorganization of host-cell metabolism were involved in the host defense response to the CEVT infected with the highly virulent NA-1 strain compared to the avirulent vaccine LaSota strain. Taken together, these results indicate that not only the host's uncontrolled immune response itself, but also the metabolic disorders with viruses hijacking host cell metabolism, may contribute to the pathogenesis of the highly virulent strain in ovo.

  • Cheng, S.
  • Liu, X.
  • Mu, J.
  • Yan, W.
  • Wang, M.
  • Chai, H.
  • Sha, Y.
  • Jiang, S.
  • Wang, S.
  • Ren, Y.
  • Gao, C.
  • Ding, Z.
  • Stoeger, T.
  • Tseren-Ochir, E. O.
  • Dodovski, A.
  • Alfonso, P.
  • Mingala, C. N.
  • Yin, R.


  • Newcastle disease virus
  • RNA-seq
  • chicken embryo
  • host innate immune response
  • metabolism
  • virulence
Publication details
DOI: 10.3390/v14050911
Journal: Viruses
Number: 5
Work Type: Original
Location: CPC-M
Disease Area: PALI
Partner / Member: HMGU
Access-Number: 35632651

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