Science and Research

Effects of Physical Activity in the High School Curriculum on Cardiovascular Health, Cognitive and Physical Performance

Cardiovascular health at a young age has implications for preventing cardiovascular disease, and it is associated with improved physical and cognitive performance during the aging process. Sports are well known to prevent cardiovascular disease; however, school-based interventions have mostly been neglected. This cross-sectional study aimed to compare groups of high school students, stratified by the amount of physical activity in their high school curriculum and downtime. Comparisons concerning physical and cognitive performance and arterial stiffness were made. A total of 63 senior-year students were investigated. Arterial stiffness was assessed using the oscillometric technique with Arteriograph(TM) detection. Three-kilometer and pendulum runs were conducted as typical training loads. Cognitive performance was evaluated via the visual and verbal memory and number connection tests. Regarding cognitive skills, extracurricular physical activity improved the number connection test in male participants (p = 0.004). For physical performance, female students with a sports-focused curriculum were faster in the 3 km run (p < 0.001). Concerning arterial stiffness, the measurements yielded a lower mean arterial pressure (p = 0.015) and aortic pulse wave velocity (p = 0.04) in male students with a sports-focused curriculum. In summary, extracurricular physical activity and enrollment in a sports-focused curriculum may be associated with lower cardiovascular risk due to lower arterial stiffness and better physical and cognitive abilities.

  • Jagomast, T.
  • Mohr, T.
  • Axt, P. N.
  • Mortensen, K.
  • Brinkmann, F.
  • Weckmann, M.
  • Ring, G.
  • Reppel, M.
  • Drömann, D.
  • Franzen, K. F.


  • arterial stiffness
  • cognitive performance
  • prevention
  • pupils
  • sports
  • students
Publication details
DOI: 10.3390/jfmk8030101
Journal: J Funct Morphol Kinesiol
Number: 3
Work Type: Original
Location: ARCN
Disease Area: General Lung and Other
Partner / Member: UzL, UKSH (Lübeck)
Access-Number: 37489314

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