Science and Research

A synthetic lung model (ASYLUM) for validation of functional lung imaging methods shows significant differences between signal-based and deformation-field-based ventilation measurements

INTRODUCTION: Validation of functional free-breathing MRI involves a comparison to more established or more direct measurements. This procedure is cost-intensive, as it requires access to patient cohorts, lengthy protocols, expenses for consumables, and binds working time. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to introduce a synthetic lung model (ASYLUM), which mimics dynamic MRI acquisition and includes predefined lung abnormalities for an alternative validation approach. The model is evaluated with different registration and quantification methods and compared with real data. METHODS: A combination of trigonometric functions, deformation fields, and signal combinations were used to create 20 synthetic image time series. Lung voxels were assigned either to normal or one of six abnormality classes. The images were registered with three registration algorithms. The registered images were further analyzed with three quantification methods: deformation-based or signal-based regional ventilation (JVent/RVent) analysis and perfusion amplitude (QA). The registration results were compared with predefined deformations. Quantification methods were evaluated regarding predefined amplitudes and with respect to sensitivity, specificity, and spatial overlap of defects. In addition, 36 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were included for verification of model interpretations using CT as the gold standard. RESULTS: One registration method showed considerably lower quality results (76% correlation vs. 92/97%, p 

  • Voskrebenzev, A.
  • Gutberlet, M.
  • Klime
  • Kaireit, T. F.
  • Shin, H. O.
  • Kauczor, H. U.
  • Welte, T.
  • Wacker, F.
  • Vogel-Claussen, J.


  • Fourier decomposition
  • Jacobian
  • Preful
  • free-breathing
  • lung proton MRI
  • phantom
  • registration
Publication details
DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2024.1418052
Journal: Front Med (Lausanne)
Pages: 1418052 
Work Type: Original
Location: BREATH, TLRC
Disease Area: PLI
Partner / Member: MHH, UKHD
Access-Number: 39296894

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