Science and Research

Prevalence of Patients with Uncontrolled Asthma Despite NVL/GINA Step 4/5 Treatment in Germany

PURPOSE: Asthma is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in Germany affecting 4-5% of all adults and 10% of children. Despite the availability of biologicals in recent years, studies show patients with inadequately controlled severe asthma in real life. The aim of the current study was to characterize and estimate the number of patients with NVL/GINA level 4 or 5 asthma and signs of poor control in Germany. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 2021, we retrospectively analyzed data collected during 2019 using the IQVIA™ LRx and IQVIA™ Disease Analyzer databases which contain anonymized longitudinal data covering approximately 80% of statutory health insurance (GKV) prescriptions in Germany with most relevant information about prescriptions, basic patient demographics or location of the prescriber; the IQVIA™ Disease Analyzer anonymized electronic medical records from a representative sample of office-based GPs and specialists. An expert committee of pulmonologists from different hospitals and expert practices supported the study. Asthma patients treated according to NVL/GINA 4/5 who used SABAs frequently (≥3 on days with no ICS-containing prescriptions/year) and/or received prescriptions for oral corticosteroids (OCS) (score of ≥2/year, a pulmonologist prescription scored 1.0, GP 0.75) were classified as severe, uncontrolled asthma. RESULTS: In 2019, 3.4 million patients received at least two prescriptions of respiratory medications and 2.4 million patients on maintenance respiratory treatment have asthma. A total of 625,000 asthma patients were treated according to NVL/GINA step 4 or 5. Among these, 54,000 were uncontrolled according to the pre-defined OCS and/or SABA use, which corresponds to approximately 15% of patients in certain regions. CONCLUSION: In 2019, approximately 54,000 patients in Germany treated according to NVL/GINA step 4/5 had evidence suggestive for poor asthma control, up to 15% of patients in certain regions. Yet, only 12,000 patients overall were being treated with biologicals suggesting a possible treatment gap that requires further investigation.

  • Bergmann, K. C.
  • Skowasch, D.
  • Timmermann, H.
  • Lindner, R.
  • Virchow, J. C.
  • Schmidt, O.
  • Koschel, D.
  • Neurohr, C.
  • Heck, S.
  • Milger, K.


  • Ocs
  • Saba
  • disease analyzer
  • oral corticosteroid
  • prescription database
  • short-acting β2-agonist
  • uncontrolled asthma
Publication details
DOI: 10.2147/jaa.S365967
Journal: J Asthma Allergy
Pages: 897-906 
Work Type: Original
Location: CPC-M
Disease Area: AA
Partner / Member: KUM
Access-Number: 35815115

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