Science and Research

Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Changes in Lung Morphology and Perfusion in Children with Cystic Fibrosis From Infancy through Adolescence

RATIONALE: The progression of lung changes in cystic fibrosis (CF) from infancy through adolescence remains poorly understood due to limited longitudinal imaging data. OBJECTIVES: To assess changes in lung morphology and perfusion in children with CF through the pediatric age range by longitudinal chest magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: 1112 annual chest MRI were performed in 226 patients with CF aged 0-18yr. MRI was assessed using a validated MRI scoring system. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The MRI global score continuously increased from 5.5±4.6 at infancy (0yr) to 17.9±8.4 at adolescence (range 12-18yr), and the MRI morphology score from 5.0±3.9 to 12.4±6.0 (P<0.001). Bronchiectasis/wall thickening prevalence increased from 89.1% at infancy to approx. 100% from preschool age (1-5yr), and the subscore increased from 3.1±1.9 at infancy to 6.6±2.1 at adolescence (P<0.001). Mucus plugging prevalence increased from 55.4% at infancy to 83.5% at adolescence, and the subscore increased from 1.2±1.6 to 3.7±2.5 in the same period (P<0.001). Perfusion abnormalities were found in 44.4% at infancy, and increased to approx. 90% from preschool age (P<0.001). The MRI perfusion score increased from 1.1±1.6 at infancy to 5.6±3.0 at adolescence (P<0.001). Chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection was associated with higher MRI scores from school age (6-11yr, P<0.05-0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study assessing longitudinal changes in lung morphology and perfusion in CF throughout the pediatric age range, providing percentiles as age-specific reference for lung disease severity. Our data may facilitate the use of MRI as an endpoint in clinical trials in children with CF.

  • Wielpütz, M. O.
  • Stahl, M.
  • Triphan, S. M. F.
  • Wucherpfennig, L.
  • Leutz-Schmidt, P.
  • Gestewitz, S.
  • Steinke, E.
  • Graeber, S. Y.
  • Kauczor, H. U.
  • Eichinger, M.
  • Puderbach, M. U.
  • Alrajab, A.
  • Schenk, J. P.
  • Sommerburg, O.
  • Mall, M. A.
Publication details
DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202404-396OC
Journal: Ann Am Thorac Soc
Work Type: Original
Location: Assoziierter Partner, TLRC
Disease Area: CFBE
Partner / Member: BIH, UKHD
Access-Number: 39255452

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