Science and Research

Epigenetic modifications of the VGF gene in human non-small cell lung cancer tissues pave the way towards enhanced expression

Hwang et al. recently showed that VGF substantially contributes to the resistance of human lung cancer cells towards epidermal growth factor receptor kinase inhibitors. This was further linked to enhanced epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Here, we demonstrate that VGF is epigenetically modified in non-small cell lung cancer tissues compared to corresponding tumor-free lung tissues from the same donors by using methylome bead chip analyses. These epigenetic modifications trigger an increased transcription of the VGF gene within the tumors, which then leads to an increased expression of the protein, facilitating epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and the resistance to kinase inhibitors. These results should be taken into account in the design of novel therapeutic and diagnostic approaches.

  • Marwitz, S.
  • Heinbockel, L.
  • Scheufele, S.
  • Nitschkowski, D.
  • Kugler, C.
  • Perner, S.
  • Reck, M.
  • Ammerpohl, O.
  • Goldmann, T.


  • Methylome
  • Nsclc
  • Non-small cell lung cancer
  • Transcriptome
  • Vgf
Publication details
DOI: 10.1186/s13148-017-0423-6
Journal: Clinical epigenetics
Pages: 123 
Work Type: Original
Location: Assoziierter Partner, ARCN
Disease Area: LC
Partner / Member: FZB, Ghd, UKSH (Kiel)
Access-Number: 29209432
See publication on PubMed

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