Science and Research

Early career member highlights from the 22nd ERS Lung Science Conference: development of chronic lung diseases - from life-spanning mechanisms to preventive therapy

ERJOR: In case you missed the #LSC2024, this work highlights some of the new key points that were discussed at the @EuroRespSoc Lung Science Conference about #COPD & #IPF by @SaraOcana1 @danielchengyuwu @cami93melo @EarlyCareerERS @ERSpublications #ERJOR

  • Wu, C. Y.
  • Melo-Narváez, M. C.
  • Cuevas-Ocaña, S.
Publication details
DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00659-2024
Journal: ERJ Open Res
Number: 6
Work Type: Other
Location: CPC-M, UGMLC
Disease Area: General Lung and Other
Partner / Member: HMGU, JLU, UMR
Access-Number: 39687388

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