Munidasa, S.
Couch, M. J.
Rayment, J. H.
Voskrebenzev, A.
Seethamraju, R.
Vogel-Claussen, J.
Ratjen, F.
Santyr, G.
Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
*Cystic Fibrosis/complications/drug therapy
Lung/diagnostic imaging
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
*Pseudomonas Infections/drug therapy
Postdoctoral Fellowship, which was funded in part by Siemens Healthcare Limited, and
is currently an employee of Siemens Healthcare Limited. This employment began after
the conclusion of the study. Conflict of interest: J.H. Rayment reports consultancy
fees from Polarean Inc, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: A.
Voskrebenzev has a patent “Method of quantitative magnetic resonance lung imaging”
licensed to Siemens. Conflict of interest: R. Seethamraju is an employee of Siemens
Medical Solutions, USA Inc. Conflict of interest: J. Vogel-Claussen reports grants
from Siemens Healthineers, during the conduct of the study
grants and personal fees
from Boehringer Ingelheim and AstraZeneca, grants from GSK, outside the submitted
and has a patent “Method of quantitative magnetic resonance lung imaging”
number EP3107066, US-2016-0367200-A1 22.12.2016 licensed to Siemens Healthineers.
Conflict of interest: F. Ratjen has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: G.
Santyr reports grants and non-financial support from Siemens Healthineers, grants
from Canadian Institutes of Health Research, during the conduct of the study
and non-financial support from Siemens Healthineers, outside the submitted work.
Conflict of interest: S. Munidasa reports grants from Cystic Fibrosis Centre,
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Canadian Institutes
of Health Research, during the conduct of the study.
Publication details DOI: 10.1183/13993003.03104-2020
Journal: Eur Respir J
Number: 4
Work Type: Original
Location: BREATH
Disease Area: CFBE, PLI
Partner / Member: MHH
Access-Number: 33303537
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