Lambers, C.
Boehm, P. M.
Lee, S.
Ius, F.
Jaksch, P.
Klepetko, W.
Tudorache, I.
Ristl, R.
Welte, T.
Gottlieb, J.
Indoles/*therapeutic use
Lung Diseases, Interstitial/*mortality/*therapy
Lung Transplantation/methods
Middle Aged
Postoperative Care
Pyridones/*therapeutic use
Retrospective Studies
Steroids/*therapeutic use
Treatment Outcome
Boehringer Ingelheim and Roche, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest:
T. Welte has received grants to his institution from Boehringer and Roche during
the conduct of the study, lecture and advisory board fees from Boehringer, and
has participated in an advisory board on anti-infectives for Roche, outside the
submitted work. Conflict of interest: J. Gottlieb has received fees for board
membership from Gilead, MSD, Biotest and Therakos, for consultancy from Chiesi,
IEK Consulting, Gilead and Breath Therapeutics, and for expert testimony from GLG
Research, Navigant and KeyQuest
has received grants or has grants pending from
Alnylam and Gilead
and has received payment for lectures from Gilead,
Boehringer, Novartis, Basilea, Berlin Chemie and Astellas, and for travel,
accommodation or meeting expenses from Biotest.
Publication details DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00503-2018
Journal: Eur Respir J
Number: 6
Work Type: Original
Location: BREATH
Disease Area: DPLD
Partner / Member: MHH
Access-Number: 29678942
See publication on PubMed
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