Science and Research

Different responses of the oral, nasal and lung microbiomes to cigarette smoke

To examine the role of smoking on the bacterial community composition of the upper and the lower respiratory tract, a monocentric, controlled prospective study was performed, including healthy smokers, ex-smokers and never-smokers. Smokers were further grouped according to their smoking history. Bacterial diversity was analysed using a molecular barcoding approach based on directly extracted DNA. Our study shows for the first time distinct bacterial response patterns in the upper and lower respiratory tract to cigarette smoking leading to a higher abundance of opportunistic pathogens. The clinical significance of these dysbioses for health needs to be further explored.

  • Pfeiffer, S.
  • Herzmann, C.
  • Gaede, K. I.
  • Kovacevic, D.
  • Krauss-Etschmann, S.
  • Schloter, M.


  • tobacco and the lung
Publication details
DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-216153
Journal: Thorax
Work Type: Original
Location: ARCN, CPC-M
Disease Area: General Lung and Other
Partner / Member: CAU, FZB, HMGU
Access-Number: 34389656

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