Bellinghausen, C.
Pletz, M. W.
Rupp, J.
Witzenrath, M.
Welsch, C.
Zeuzem, S.
Trebicka, J.
Rohde, G. G. U.
*Community-Acquired Infections
*Liver Diseases
*bacterial infection
*chronic liver disease
Biotest, Boehringer Ingelheim, Noxxon, Quark Pharma, Silence Therapeutics and
Vaxxilon, and personal fees for lectures or counselling from Actelion, AstraZeneca,
Bayer HealthCare, Berlin Chemie, Biotest, Boehringer Ingelheim, Chiesi,
GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and Vaxxilon. SZ received consultancy and/or lecture
honoraria from AbbVie, Allergan, Intercept, Janssen, Gilead and Merck/MSD. JT
received speaking and/or consulting fees from Gore, Bayer, Alexion, MSD, Gilead,
Intercept, Norgine, Grifols, Versantis and Martin Pharmaceutical, all unrelated to
the submitted work. GGUR reports personal fees from Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim,
Solvay, GSK, Essex Pharma, MSD, Grifols, Chiesi, Vertex, Roche, Insmed and Novartis
for lectures including service on speakers' bureaus outside the submitted work
and/or consultancy during advisory board meeting, and personal fees from GSK for
travel accommodations/meeting expenses outside the submitted work.
Publication details DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-320876
Journal: Gut
Pages: 221-222
Number: 1
Work Type: Original
Location: Assoziierter Partner, BREATH
Disease Area: PALI
Partner / Member: CAPNETZ, MHH, UKSH (Lübeck)
Access-Number: 32253260
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