Science and Research

Next generation pollen monitoring and dissemination

Although pollen allergy is the most frequent allergic disease in countries with a western life style (1), knowing "the enemy" i.e. the current pollen exposure, is still a neglected scientific topic. This is remarkable, as pollen levels predict allergy symptoms in allergic individuals (2). In addition, higher pollen exposure results in more allergic sensitizations (3). Thus, knowing the local pollen count is of relevance for allergic individuals. Instrumental to the measurement of ambient pollen was the development of the manual Hirst trap in 1952, a simple and cheap but efficient instrument able to assess airborne pollen. And indeed, pollen is now monitored in almost every country of the world with this instrument (4), with some time series dating back to 1952. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  • Buters, J.
  • Schmidt-Weber, C.
  • Oteros, J.
Publication details
DOI: 10.1111/all.13585
Journal: Allergy
Work Type: Other
Location: CPC-M
Disease Area: AA
Partner / Member: HMGU
Access-Number: 30076610
See publication on PubMed

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