Science and Research

Dataset of voxelwise correlated signal values of ADC, rCBV and FAP-specific PET of 13 Glioblastoma patients

This dataset is based on multimodal MRI and FAP-specific PET/CT Imaging applied to 13 patients with histologically proven glioblastomas. Imaging Data was processed using Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) software. MRI images (contrast enhanced T1w, T2w/FLAIR, ADC, rCBV) were co-registrated with FAP-specific PET images. T2w/FLAIR hyperintensities and contrast enhancing lesions were segmented manually. Necrotic areas were segmented manually and subtracted from T2w/FLAIR hyperintensities and contrast enhancing lesions. Voxelwise ADC/rCBV and PET signal intensities in projection on T2w/FLAIR hyperintensities and contrast enhancing lesions were extracted using the pixel dumper function of the MITK software and stored as excel-files. The data presented in this article has been analysed and described in the article FAP-specific "PET signaling shows a moderately positive correlation with relative CBV and no correlation with ADC in 13 IDH wildtype Glioblastomas" published in the European Journal of Radiology.

  • Rohrich, M.
  • Loi, L.
  • Floca, R.
  • Haberkorn, U.
  • Paech, D.


  • Adc
  • Cbv
  • Fap
  • Fibroblast Activation Protein
  • Glioblastoma
  • Pet
Publication details
DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105712
Journal: Data Brief
Pages: 105712 
Work Type: Original
Location: TLRC
Disease Area: LC
Partner / Member: DKFZ, UKHD
Access-Number: 32490080
See publication on PubMed

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